155839 17B Lyon, Pte J, 14389672, KORR
155846 17B Hilton, Pte H, 4467621, DLI
155849 8A Lewry, Sgt H G, 6288156, Buffs
155855 17B Simm, Pte L, 4460276, AAC
155857 17B Lowe, Gnr T L, 1523779, RA
155864 17B Smith, Fus L, 4461417, R Ir F, ex-DLI
155873 17B McKeith, Pte F, 4458740, DLI
155880 17B Lapthorn, Pte Fred, 5629467, KORR. Brief details on this external site:
155882 8A McArhur, Cpl W, 2935072, KORR
153884 3A Sullivan, Pte M, 3962461, Welch
155896 17B Lomas, Dvr A, 7959364, R Sigs
155913 17B Gilbert, Pte D H, 4037164, DLI
155914 17A McCarthy, Pte L, 6025024, DLI
155930 17B Johnstone, Pte F C, 5630586, DLI
155941 17B McDougal, Pte N, 3864411, KORR
155959 17B Luty, Pte G, 6471842, KORR
155996 17B Willcox, Gnr E H, 14567886, RA
156052 17A McCann, Fus T, 7013744, Innis F
156067 17B York, Pte J, 4466946, DLI
156073 17B Myers, Pte T A, 3131575, DLI
156105 8A Compton, Sgt C J, 3910394, AAC
156019 17B Crolla, Pte J, 2933318, Cam H, exchanged identity with Pattison, Pte D J, S/110877, RASC
156119 17A Walker, Pte J H S, 4463855, DLI
156173 17A Gough, Cpl J, 4464194, DLI
156182 17A Smallwood, Maj W F D St C, 231958, IC
The POW number allocations between 156200 and 222000 were presumably mainly allocated to other Allied POWs and very few British soldiers appear in these number blocks. These are the few that I have found. Further details welcome:
200707 L3 Almon, D W, J/38650, RCAF
201787 4D Langford, Pte G H F, 4463672, DLI
202913 4D Audley, Gnr T, 921278, RA
212846 344 Chapman, Spr F, 1890296, RE
218451 4G Hembery, Gnr C A, 1602396, RA