263784 4B Gower, Pte C J, MM, 4448485, DLI, awarded MM for actions in Middle East:
LG 1/4/41: http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/35120/supplements/1869
263785 4B Bell, Cpl J W, 2042832, DLI
263786 4B Benson, Cpl E, 4448404, DLI. News item, Hartlepool Mail, 29/5/45, p 2: 'Mrs Vera Benson, of Albert Street, has had news that her husband, Cpl E Victor Benson, DLI, has arrived safely in England after being a prisoner for two years.'
263793 344 Harper, Cpl J E, 4469747, KOYLI, originally enlisted DLI
262795, Crosby, Pte R, 4460876, DLI. Photograph, Sunderland Echo 27/11/43, p 4: 'Pte R Crosby (24), DLI, 67 Cooper St.... prisoner of war in Germany.'
263800 4B Leaper, Sgt G, 4742917, 16th DLI (KL)
263806 Wright, Cpl J, 4461450, DLI
263807 4B Price, Cpl J, 6026954, DLI
263830 4B Brown, L/Cpl J W, 4450470, DLI. Photograph Sunderland Echo, 27/11/43, p 4: 'L/Cpl J W Brown (32), 6 Margaret Street....prisoner of war in Germany'.
263837 4B Hanlon, Cpl J M, 4451825, DLI
263853 4B Broomfield, Sgt B, 4449344, DLI (16th? KL)
263885 Henry, L/Cpl G, 4451152, DLI
263890 4B Hilton, Sgt R, 4342400, DLI.
Hartlepool Mail, 11/12/43, p 4: 'Cpl Ralph Hilton (DLI),who was recently reported missing, is now known to be a prisoner of war. He is late of Courtney Street, Hull, but his home is now Surrey, where his wife and son live.'
The gap between 264000 and 266000 was presumably allocated to other Allied POWs. Further details requested.
266003 4A Cobb, Gnr H S, 1022915, RA
266008 4A Plass, Pte A S, 6026509, DLI
266029 4G Lewis, Pte G, 4537114, Sher F
266030 4A Lowe, Gnr J, 880207, RA
266040 4D Donnison, Pte J G, 4470463, KOYLI, originally enlisted DLI, 4/42.
266055 4G Battye, Pte H H, 4979726, Sher F
266066 4A Carter, Pte G V, 4465313, DLI.Previously held Italy, 1943.
266091 4G Coombes, Gnr S, 934025, RA
266095 4G Foster, Pte W, 4458108, DLI
266096 4A Cooper, Pte J E, 3658323, Gn How
266104 4F Hume, Pte G, 13022887, DLI
266111 4G Haywood, Pte G, 4459029, DLI
266166 4F Baird, Gnr A, 977253, RA
266169 4A Eames, Pte J, 4973905, Sher F
266189 4A Cassidy, Gnr L, 11400990, RA
266199 4B Hagan, Cpl G, 4455590, DLI
266201 4G Bennison, Pte J, 4466368, DLI
266203 4A Bowman, Pte J, 4458142, DLI. Possibly, Photograph, Sunderland Echo, 13/8/42, p 5: 'Pte J Bowman (23), DLI, 5 California Street, Seaham....missing in the Middle East.'
Sunderland Echo, 14/11/42, p 5: 'Pte J Bowman (23), DLI, 5 California Street, Seaham...previously reported missing, now prisoner of war in Italy.'